Welcome to the Ticket System

In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests. A valid email address is required to submit a ticket. Please do not use an email address that is tied to an auto-responder as we will likely have to ban the address in order to stop the system from sending you ticket updates.

We also have online, support resources available:

If you follow the following steps regarding tickets we can keep duplicate tickets from being created for the same issue.

If you send an email to ticket@ipitomy.com without leaving the subject line intact, a new ticket will be created with your reply. 
Please try to leave the email subject intact when replying to ticket@ipitomy.com. 
If you would like to send an email without creating a ticket to the support staff, please use the address ipsupport@ipitomy.com.